True or False: Paying privately for Therapy is too costly or a scam…the answer may surprise you.

We are often steered against fraudsters and those that bamboozle us. They use us for their own gain.  Ways they get us to buy into their scams can be by gimmicks and promotions that have us spending hand over fist for things and services leave us feeling vulnerable and like us have been used, which we have!  How irritating…ugh! Paying privately for psychotherapy does not have to be a matter of gimmicks and promotions or other spoofy terms that draw us in and spit us out feeling even emptier than before.

This world emphasizes financial struggles and stresses, which puts us even more at risk for those schemes that some use out of desperation.  How do you know what is worth your time and energy, especially when it comes to mental health and therapy?  Over the next few weeks, I will explore with you why paying privately vs. using your insurance is to your benefit.  I will also describe how Rise Above Counseling can help you set goals and support you in your journey.

Investing in you via private psychotherapy can be seen as a positive and empowering choice.  Some perceive this initially as a financial burden.  There are people who consider private pay therapists as greedy and money-hungry.  I hope to dispel this mentality (definitely not my style!), while shedding light and educating the viewer on some of the benefits that come with prioritizing mental well-being and seeking support.  May your journey to Rise Above your current life hurdles be successful and one you don’t have to tread alone on.


Why Choose Private Psychotherapy (Privately Paying) 


The Crucial Role of Early Intervention in Trauma and Mental Health for Adolescents