Why Choose Private Psychotherapy (Privately Paying) 

So one question I get a lot of times is, “Andy, why in the world would I pay out of pocket for therapy when I can go somewhere else and use my insurance to make it less expensive?”

There are many reasons for why paying privately would be beneficial. Case and point - what happens between us is PRIVATE! There I said it - What happens in session deserves to be kept under wraps away from the scrutiny of the insurance companies and others who would use the information to label or stick you under a list of diagnostic labels.

Here are some common things I have said to people asking about the relevance of privately paying for counseling:

Ø  Personalized and Focused Attention:

o   Unlike public or government-funded mental health services that may be constrained by resources, private therapy allows for a more individualized approach.

o   Clients can work closely with Maria or me to address specific concerns, set personalized goals, and tailor the therapeutic process to meet their unique needs.


Ø  Reduced Waiting Times:

o   Public mental health services often face high demand, leading to extended waiting times for appointments. In contrast, private psychotherapy offers the benefit of quicker access to us.

o   Reduced waiting times can be crucial for individuals dealing with urgent mental health issues or those seeking timely support during challenging life situations. I can often get people in to see me the same week or following week.


Ø  Flexibility in Scheduling:

o   Greater flexibility in scheduling appointments – Great for those with busy lives/demanding work schedules! We do offer evening appointments and some occasional weekend availability in special circumstances as needed to accommodate you.

o   The ability to schedule sessions at convenient times enhances the overall accessibility and convenience of private psychotherapy. Also, we are not tied down to a 53-minute appointment. We can meet for a bit longer if needed to help you get the most healing out of each session.


Ø  Confidentiality and Privacy:

o   Privacy is a key concern for many seeking psychotherapy. No information will be shared with insurance companies or others without your written permission

o   Heightened confidentiality – the assurance of increased privacy can foster a deeper sense of trust between the client and therapist, facilitating more effective therapeutic outcomes.


Ø  Comprehensive Range of Therapeutic Approaches:

o   Private psychotherapy often provides access to a diverse range of therapeutic modalities and approaches.

o   This flexibility can contribute to a more effective and enriching therapeutic experience.


Ø  Investing in private psychotherapy is not just a financial commitment; it is an investment in one's mental health and overall well-being!


Ø  By prioritizing mental health through private psychotherapy, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and lasting positive change.

Some Psychotherapy Factors and Modalities Not Covered By MOST Insurances:

Ø  Sessions longer than 50 minutes

Ø  2x/week sessions if agreed between us as a team

Ø  Treating without a mental illness diagnosis that can be carried with the client for life (stigmatizing for sure!)

Ø  Brainspotting or any other non-evidence based practice approved by the American Psychological Association (APA)

Ø  Play therapy for children

Ø  Art therapy for ANYONE

Ø  Just talking to “talk it out”

Ø  Pressure to do an intake and treatment plan in the first or second session, resulting in a diagnosis of mental illness

Ø  Notes that can be written in any format and DO NOT have to be sent to insurance companies to justify any of the above factors


True or False: Paying privately for Therapy is too costly or a scam…the answer may surprise you.